
WestWon Dashboard – Free Trial Offer

WestWon Dashboard Real-time Credit Monitoring
Video and FreeTrial offer

Are you actively assessing – not just credit checking – the financial performance of your customers and suppliers?

Why should you? Well, if long-standing clients suddenly started paying your invoices in 70 days rather than 30, would that hurt your profit margins? Wouldn’t bad debts or non-delivery of goods damage your cash flow and reputation?

In today’s volatile marketplace, more and more businesses are recognising the need to actively protect their financial wellbeing. And with WestWon Dashboard it couldn’t be easier to set up your own ‘watchlist’ of companies and personalise the type and timing of information you receive.

Watch this short Dashboard video and see what we mean…

More about WestWon Dashboard 

WestWon Dashboard puts you control
1.    Instantly set up portfolios of suppliers, customers and competitors and monitor them in real time. (See where they are as well – thanks to integrated Google Earth)
2.   Spot which of your current trading partners have suddenly stretched their payment cycle. (Doesn’t it make you wonder why?)
3.   Enjoy the intuitive design that minimises time spent on routine tasks – all at a highly cost effective rate.

You’ll appreciate the ‘inside track’ provided by WestWon Dashboard on the tough economic road ahead. Contact us now to arrange your FREE TRIAL now.

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