
3 Key Facts About Leasing Equipment For Business

Whether you are a new start business, an SME or a large company, you may find yourself thinking about leasing equipment, machinery or office furniture, fit outs and moves for the first time. Perhaps you have moved companies, taken on a new role within your existing company or are simply expanding fast and wish to safeguard your all important cash flow. Whatever the circumstances, here are 3 useful things that you should know about leasing…

How does leasing work?

When you enter a lease agreement, the contract is between your business and the leasing company. Simply select the equipment you require and agree the price with your chosen supplier. A lease agreement is then drawn up by the leasing company.

Once the lease documents have been signed and returned, arrangements will be made for the supplier to deliver the equipment. On receipt, you sign a ‘certificate of acceptance’, which effectively states that you have received and are happy with the equipment. The leasing company then pays the supplier. You pay the company (the lessor) a regular rental payment, typically across two to five years.

What does it cost to lease equipment?

The rental is calculated by adding the equipment price after the Residual Value has been deducted, plus the interest due over the term of the agreement. The interest will depend on the amount you finance, the term of the agreement and frequency of repayments. It works just like a mortgage – the shorter the term, the less interest paid.

How to choose a leasing company

Selecting the right company to work with is vital. As with entering into any new contract, when opting to lease equipment it is important to choose a reputable leasing partner. A recent BBC Panorama documentary highlighted the need to diligently check the credentials of any company you may wish to deal with. Remember to always choose a leasing company who is a member of industry bodies such as the FLA (www.fla.org.uk) and NACFB (www.nacfb.org), which ensure best practice. Members of the NACFB operate under an Office of Fair Trading registered Code of Practice.

For more information about all aspects of leasing, please contact WestWon on Tel: 01494 611 456. You can also download a free guide to Financing Your Business Plans with Leasing HERE.

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