
How asset finance helps you manage your Optical business?

Optical Equipment Finance title picture optical device

Here at WestWon we have several finance options that could help your optical business to grow. Whether it’s to acquire a new practice or purchasing new optical equipment and furnishings for your optician’s practice. At WestWon there are over 50 UK funders that we can work with to provide you with industry leading rates. At the same time, we can work with a supplier of your choice or recommend you with one and source the equipment for you.

Why choose WestWon for your optical business?

Types of loans for opticians

Here at WestWon we don’t just finance optical equipment but also help you grow your business by providing you with loans. These include Professional Indemnity, VAT and Corporation Tax loans.

Professional Indemnity loans for opticians:

If you are looking to finance your professional indemnity loans, WestWon offer repayment terms between 3 months and a year. All you, as the client, needs to provide is the quote for the insurance and the loan term, then we can send you back a finance quote. This process will take a couple of days from your initial application through to paying your fees.

VAT and Corporation Tax loans for opticians:

At WestWon we can pay HMRC on your behalf after seeing your liability to pay VAT/Corporation Tax. This leaves you with the option to fund other investments to aid the growth of your business. This is because you know that this cost has been taken care of for you.

Contact Us

If you would like any information on the above details, or about optical finance in general please call 01494 611 456. Alternatively, email hello@westwon.co.uk for a free and quick finance quote.

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