
WestWon complaints handling procedure

WestWon complaints procedure

Here at WestWon, we pride ourselves upon our level of customer care and quality of service. Therefore, we take all complaints very seriously. So, if there is any way by which you feel we could improve we would like to hear from you. We appreciate any form of feedback as we are always looking for ways in which we can advance and develop.

Our complaints procedure

To aid us in resolving your matter as swiftly as possible, please direct your complaint towards the department in which you have been dealing with. You may express your concerns via email, telephone or in writing. We will try our best to process your complaint immediately. Contact details for all previously listed contact methods can be found below. However, sometimes this is not possible. Therefore, please allow up to five days for us to proceed with this. We will then perform a full and impartial investigation for any issues you raise.

The nature of all complaints and our actions in resolving the problem are entered on to our internal database system. You will then be provided with a unique complaint reference number. Our compliance officer will then write to you with the outcome, this will either be by email or by post. We hope that the response will be satisfactory to you. If so, we will then close off the complaint. However, if this is not the case, a WestWon director will review the situation to see if any further action can be taken.

Received our response and still dissatisfied?

If you have a regulated agreement with us and are not satisfied with our final response, you may be eligible to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service. However, you must do this within six months of our final response. If you are not satisfied with our response, we will refer the matter to the FCA 8 weeks from the initial complaint (if no final response has been received) or if the final response has been received and you (the customer) are not satisfied. The service is free of charge, and they can be contacted via their website. This does not affect your statutory rights.

How do I register my complaint?

To register your complaint please contact us by one of the three methods listed below:

How do I leave a review on my experience with WestWon?

WestWon have partnered up with Boom Reviews. They are a review platform whose mission is “to bring people and companies together to create experiences for everyone.” So, for every deal we make we offer our customers the opportunity to voice their opinions on us and our service on to this platform. We welcome all feedback!

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