
Lease or Buy Waste Equipment and Recycling Machinery?

These days nearly every company in the UK, from large corporation to SME, requires some form of waste management equipment and/or  recycling machinery be it a humble shredder to large scale compactors and balers. Efficient waste management can prove costly where buying new equipment is concerned. Equipment is also constantly being updated and may businesses understandably look to leasing as a solution that allows them to avoid both obsolescence and the need to tie up existing capital and lines of credit that could be used to safeguard cash flow or purchase other mission-critical equipment.

Should My Business Buy or Lease Waste and Recycling Equipment?

As with every business decision, there can be pros and cons, but, in general, companies find the following benefits of leasing persuasive:

What Waste and Recycling Equipment Can My Business Lease?

WestWon is a leasing company that specialises in the waste equipment and recycling machinery asset finance and can quickly help you to calculate your best leasing options. For an instant lease finance quote, you can use the WestWon online lease calculator or simply call out leasing experts on Tel: 01494 611 456 for a rapid response to any queries you may have.

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