QNAP NAS Server TS-EC1080 Server: Lease cost £137.61/Monthly

WestWon provided a company based in Brighton with asset based finance for 1 QNAP NAS Server TS-EC1080 Pro 20TB via a WestWon Partner who supplies QNAP NAS Server equipment.

Capital Cost: £3,796.00 ex. VAT

Lease Rental: £137.61 ex. VAT

Payment Frequency: Monthly
Lease Period: 3 Years

ManufacturerModelDescriptionPart No.Quantity
QNAP NAS Server TS-EC1080 Pro 20TB1
Siemens Gigaset SL930H Cordless Phone2
Gigaset 510Pro1
6u 390mm DataCel Deep Data Cabinet1
Draytek Wireless Router1
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