I couldn’t recommend them highly enough


    EGO Dental Clinic


    £35,000.00 + VAT


    Myray Hyperion X5 3D CBCT machine

  • TERM

    5 years


EGO Dental Clinic is an award winning dental practice, in St James’s Park London that offer modern dentistry to their patients. Dr Charlie Attariani and Dr Golnar Hassirian, wanted to improve the patient journey when it came to dental treatment and facial x-rays. After researching the many different options for CBCT, Dr Charlie Attariani and Dr Golnar Hassirian decided to purchase the Myray Hyperion X5 3D CBCT machine. Dr Charlie Attariani and Dr Golnar Hassirian then discussed with WestWon the best way to approach the purchasing of the new unit. WestWon provided them with the necessary funding to purchase the new equipment.

The new Hyperion X5 3D CBCT machine has enables EGO Dental Clinic to enable patients to benefit from, low dose, same day consultation, and with imaging at the highest resolution possible also significantly improves the patient and staff journey when it comes to taking X-rays. This in turn will help attract both new patients and referrals. The 2D/3D combination has, according to Dr Attariani, “transformed his practice.”


“The recently purchased CBCT has improved my approach to Dentistry. It provides outstanding clarity to conventional OPGs and also a range of while-jaw to focused 3-D information for planning in Orthodontics, Endodontics and Implantology.

After returning to work from the lockdown, we knew moving forward and investing in the development of our Practice requires money. We found our bank unapproachable and unwilling to help. WestWon provided us with fast, simple access to the lowest rates I have seen available.”

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