Finally our Kickstart meeting

Finally, our Kickstart meeting!

Thursday 17th February 2022

WestWon finally had our Kickstart meeting! Due to the pandemic we have had to postpone our kickstart meeting for 2 months now, and on Thursday we were finally all able to get together and celebrate our achievements! We looked back on the previous year, both ups and downs, as well as meeting faces that we hadn’t seen before!

We had a presentation that encompassed all areas of the business and we heard from our family of companies, as well as sales figures for last year and our long term vision for the future. We are proud to say that not many leasing companies in the UK have a kickstart, and we are looking to have 4 quarterly company meetings this year alone! This is excluding many of our social activities we do here at WestWon such as our Thirsty Thursdays!

We also heard from former boxer and motivational speaker, Billy Schwer. He was very uplifting and informative, and hope to welcome him back very soon, so thank you Billy!

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