WestWon attends annual FLA dinner

Thank you to Conister Bank for the invitation to the 2023 Finance and Leasing Association Annual dinner!

The annual dinner was held last Tuesday at the Grosvenor House Hotel in Park Lane. The event, attended by 1,400 people from the leasing and finance sector, was a great success.

It was a fantastic opportunity to meet and mingle with industry peers! The night was filled with tasty food and engaging conversations; it seemed like everyone had something interesting to share.

The Chair of the FLA reported on 2022 being a growth year for leasing and asset finance and commented on how the general view is a potential recession will not be as deep or anywhere as long as some people have predicted. Hopefully a bright future for Conister Bank and WestWon during 2023. We look forward to attending next year’s event, as it is sure to exceed our expectations once again.

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