Case Study
LED Finance for Professional Removal Company

Learn how a relocation, storage and equipment company used LED Finance and leasing to save money and become more energy efficient.

Leasing Example

  • Company:
  • Capital Cost:
  • Term Length:
  • Lease Rental
  • Equipment Financed
  • Moving/Storage
  • £61,807.12 + VAT
  • 5 years
  • £1,325.61
  • Total of 333 assets: Lamps, Sensors, Floodlight, Diffuser

LED Finance and Leasing

A relocation, storage and equipment company based in London were looking to reduce their carbon footprint, save money and become more energy efficient. Their goal was to reduce their carbon footprint by 19.3% per employee in 2017. With the help of WestWon they were able to achieve this goal.

After showing the company the savings that could be made with a simple example, it was a easy decision to use WestWon’s LED leasing solution.

For example a £7,000.00 lease over five years will work out at £154.00+VAT per month, the total repayments being £9,240.00, plus an on/off administration fee of £150.00. If you lease the LED bulbs, you will not have to pay for them, we do. You will only have to pay a monthly lease of £154.00 but you will be saving £228.75 per month off your electricity bill, a net difference of £75.00 per month.

Did You Know

WestWon have access to over 50 UK based funders to assure we can provide the most competitive lease rates in the industry.  

The Carbon Trust Green Business Fund is one way to get up to a £10,000.00 contribution for Small and Medium sized business in the UK.

This is just another benefit that the company had the chance to receive. After working with WestWon, they were extremely happy with the level of customer service. We ran through a credit approval within 24 hours and then recommended a bulbs supplier that was approved. After sending a lease document via email that was then accepted and signed, installation then took place which was all financed under one lease agreement.

01494 611 456