business back to pre-covid days

November – business back to pre-COVID days

Wednesday 1st December 2021

The three months of December 2019, January and February 2020 were the best quarter we have ever had at WestWon. Our lease volumes and new customer acquisition was the best it has ever been. We were predicting a bumper 2020……and then…. disaster struck!

Monday 23rd March 2020, 4.00pm…Lockdown

We had a sales meeting at 9.30am on the 23rd, the key agenda item being an impending lockdown. We set out the plans to our team which were effective up until 4.00pm that day when Boris spoke to the nation.

Similar to numerous other companies, we made immediate plans to furlough staff, cut costs and put all investment decisions on hold. Thankfully, we were able to trade through the next year and a half and still write leases. Sales were hit hard but as we all become accustomed to COVID, confidence returned. We recruited new members of staff and did the best we could to offer a first-class service to our clients.

Roll forward to November 2021 and we are pleased to say our business volumes are back to our pre-COVID high. Hopefully, this will be just one in a long line of successful months helping UK business fund investment into capital equipment.