WestWon Supports Charity
with Dental Finance

WestWon Supports Charity
with Dental Finance

Who are Wells on Wheels?

At WestWon, our team are always looking to do their bit where they can to support the charities we care about.​

Wells on Wheels was founded by Shaz Memon and following conversations, we felt compelled to do what we could.​

Wells on Wheels sheds light on the daily struggle women and children in rural India go through to collect water supplies for their families and villages.

WestWon is helping WOW to break the wheel of poverty

The physical and health burdens of water collection trap families in a vicious cycle of poverty. These women walk an average of 1-2 miles a day, carrying water on their heads.​

The weight over time leads to chronic neck and back pain, as well as musculoskeletal disorders leading to complications during childbirth. Women may be pregnant or carry a baby on their back in addition to their load.

WoW Charity

The Water Wheel

The Water Wheel, designed by Wello, is a large, round water drum that is fitted with handles so it can be rolled along the ground with ease. These round containers enable water collectors to roll liquid from wells rather than carry it on their heads.​

It can hold up to five times more water than a single bucket.

WestWon’s goal is to provide enough Water Wheels to the charity to support the lives of 85 families in 2022.

See the effect the Water Wheel is having on young girls and women in education

Damini’s Story

Yogita’s Story

Manoj, a Teacher’s Story

WoW Charity

Help us to achieve our target and improve the lives of women and children in India