Premier – a popular choice of name for a finance and leasing company
Prior to acquiring Premier Finance and Leasing, we undertook research into UK leasing and asset finance companies with a similar name. The results are that “Premier” is a popular choice of company name.
Firstly, we must not confuse our company with Premier Leasing and Finance Limited. Based out Gloucestershire, this company having been around since 1992, is run by the highly respected Greg Jones. Bob Phipps of Premier Finance and Leasing did mention that “post and emails have been sent to the wrong parties by mistake in the past.”
So far we are up to nine leasing and asset finance companies we have found under a “Premier” brand.
Premier Finance and Leasing – recently acquired by WestWon Limited, now based out of High Wycombe. Originally founded just under 20 years ago.
Premier Leasing and Finance Limited – based out of Gloucestershire, has been trading since 1992. They specialsie in the financing of brewing, office, optometry, medical and renewable energy equipment.
Premier Asset Finance Limited – based out of Edinburgh, has been trading since 2007, and specialise in working capital loans, soft asset funding, commercial mortgages and invoice finance.
Premier Hire and Sales Limited – based out of Beckenham, has been trading since 2007.
Premier Independent Finance Limited – was based out of Dunblane, now no longer trading.
Premier Leasing Options Limited – based out of Stockport, has been trading since 2000. They specialise in vehicle finance, including HGV, LCV, Buses & Coaches, New & Used Cars as well as agricultural equipment.
Premier Business Finance – based out of Basildon, has been trading since 2003 and specialise in machine finance.
Premier Vehicle Leasing Limited – based out of Cheadle, has been trading since 2020, specialising in car and van leasing.
Premier Car Leasing – based out of Liverpool, specialising in car and van leasing.
The word premier means first in rank, position or importance, so it’s clear to see why a business looking for finance would look to choose a Premier brand. In football you have the Premier League, in supermarkets you have many brands owned by Premier Foods. Hotels Premier Inn & Retail Premier stores. The word premier is everywhere and especially in the leasing market. We’re very much looking forward to continuing the good work and brand created by Bob as Premier Finance and Leasing.
If you’re looking for leasing for yourself or your customers, please give a member of the WestWon team a call on 01494 611 456 or email the team on