GE Capital UK
It was the 10th April 2015 when GE Capital UK made the surprise decision to exit the leasing and equipment finance market to focus on their industrial company. What was one of the UK’s largest leasing companies was shut down and sold off, a picture that was replicated throughout the world.
In the UK, today the GE Capital website just states the following: “GE Capital in the UK has been resized and refocused to directly support the GE industrial businesses.”
When you click “find out more” it takes you to a web page on their US site. Incredible for what was such a massive equipment leasing company in the UK at one time.
Working with GE Capital in the UK
Our previous company, Wyse Leasing, worked with GE Capital back in the 1990’s. Based out of Bristol, they entered the UK market by acquiring the likes of Pallas, Heller Dana Commercial and Woodchester Leasing. Their strategy was always to be in the top three companies in any market they operated in. They had a sizeable business and run the Cannon and Apple lease programs to name a few.
The first thing we heard about GE Capital shutting down in the UK was when the recruitment agents called us saying 180 people had been made redundant. Hopefully, they are all now gainfully employed.
GE Capital UK customer services number UK
Do you have a lease with GE Capital UK and need the customer services number? Call 0800 085 1759
We believe it takes you through to a Santander telephone number who shall be able to help with any deal related enquiry you have.
GE Capital Finance UK and GE Capital Equipment Finance UK
If you were a customer of GE Capital Finance UK or GE Capital Equipment Finance UK and are looking to lease again, call our customer services number on: 01494 611 456
GE Capital Equipment Leasing – customer advice
If you have done equipment leasing before through GE Capital in the past and just want some independent FREE advice with no obligations, please call WestWon.
WestWon are not GE Capital Finance UK or GE Capital Equipment Finance UK. We have not worked with them for many years and have no historic or current trading agreement in place. We are not trying to proport to be them.
WestWon are a leasing company who work with similar customers to the old GE Capital company in the UK. If you have had a lease with GE Capital Equipment Finance and are looking for another lease agreement, then we would be pleased to supply you with a competitive quote.
Please give us a call on 01494 611 456 or send an email to