ERP software solution was needed


    Architect Group


    £273,250 + VAT



  • TERM

    3 years


Based in the north of England combining four independent architectural and interior design practices, which forms the Group. With individual design studios located in central London, benefiting from additional offices in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, and international locations delivering acknowledged design quality across key sectors of the built environment. Architect finance and leasing was therefore chosen for them.

A significant investment in a project ERP software solution was needed with the underlying need to hang onto capital for acquisitions and growth.


“The finance needed to be competitive and flexible incorporating all aspects of the solution” said the Groups Finance team. “Ideally leaving our bank lines intact.” Their challenge was to equip all the offices with a software solution that enhanced working practices and as they say “allowed our people to operate as one team; empowered to make a difference and contribute to the overarching design objectives”.

“We work internationally as one, sharing best practice, knowledge and experience across the globe”.

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