Business Growth and Asset Finance

Use our Leasing Calculator below to get an indicative quote and enquire online now about Business Growth and Asset Finance!

Benefits of Business Growth and Asset Finance Leasing

Cash Flow

You will be able to keep funds in your business to be used elsewhere


On rental agreements VAT is paid in the rental, not in full and upfront

Pay for the equipment as you use it

Companies pay employees over time as they work, so why pay all the cost for gym equipment in advance?

Tax planning

Using a lease rental agreement, 100% of your rental is deductible against your companies corporation tax

Alternative Funding Lines

No need to use up an existing bank facility

Leasing Calculator

Our Most Popular Sectors We Provide Finance For

  • IT Equipment
  •  Fleet
  • Furniture and Fit Out
  • Software
  • Health and Fitness

Here at WestWon with our range of supplier relationships alongside our industry leading rates we can provide finance for a wide range of assets from vehicles, CNC machines to Mobile Phones. If you are looking to finance any equipment for your business, please get in touch and we would be happy to provide a quotation to suit your business needs!

01494 611456

© 2024 WestWon Limited
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulates financial services in the UK and you can check this on the Consumer Credit Register by visiting the FCA’s website here or by contacting the FCA on 0800 111 6768. WestWon Limited is a credit broker and not a lender. WestWon companies deals with a range of lenders. All WestWon companies hold a current Data Protection Licence and are registered for VAT. These details, together with our policy on Treating Customers Fairly, Complaints Policy and address details are held under our Get in Touch page.
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