Employees of Wyse Leasing Set Up Successful Companies.

It is an age old problem that business owners have. You recruit good talent, you train the person and educate them in the way of doing business, helping them to build quality personal relationships with customers and suppliers, only to find they leave to set up their own company in competition.

Whilst some business owners  do not like this, we take a more pragmatic approach. Clearly the individual was good whilst they worked with you, otherwise it would not have been a problem anyway. And if they wish to leave, surly it is better for them to start their own business than join the competition. In the furniture leasing and computer leasing sectors, more often than not, you can work with your competition as opposed to against them.

Wyse Leasing has seen a number of successful leasing brokers set up locally to the offices in Chesham. Plus Finance from Chesham, is one such example. Plus Finance works predominantly in the office furniture leasing sector. Plus Finance is now a well-known and respected furniture leasing company run by ex-Wyse Leasing employees, Nicki Matthews and Steve Pullen.

Based just down the road in Amersham, you have Baker Leasing Limited, run by the charismatic Charles Baker. Charles Baker was a top performing sales person at Wyse Leasing and went on to set up his own company working mostly with computer resellers and helping them with their computer leasing needs.

Then you have Intega Asset Finance Limited based in Hyde Heath, a few miles from Chesham. Glyn Meredith was another ex Wyse Leasing employee that has set up his own leasing company.

There are a few more examples of companies that have been born out of Wyse Leasing. We all still speak to each other and all still get on well, even though we are in competition with each other.

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