Our tree planting trip

Our tree planting trip to Hawling!

Thursday 27th January 2022

On Thursday, our marketing team visited a beautiful part of the country with the objective of making direct impact into making the world a better place. 

As you may already know, in the latter part of 2021 we teamed up with Ecologi, a company dedicated to tackling our current climate crisis. They do this by arranging the planting of an abundance of trees across the world, in an effort to offset the planet’s surging carbon levels. 

So, we thought it only made sense to offer some helping hands planting the trees. Therefore, we got in contact with one of Ecologi’s tree planting partners- Protect Earth.  Protect Earth have several planting locations across England & Wales. Their objective is to plant trees across the UK in efforts to remove carbon from our atmosphere, reduce flood risk and by doing all of this they will inevitably enhance our air quality. 

So, with shovels to hand and wellies on we mucked in and altogether with the group planted 500 trees! We cannot wait to see these trees grow in years to come, and what a great contribution they could make to the world’s reduction of carbon.

You can read more about our tree planting trip here.

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