The company has leased just short of £500,000’s worth of security equipment through WestWon


    Recycling Company

    £46,500 + VAT


    Supply & install of CCTV system including 29 cameras, relevant software, speakers, amplifiers & cabling.

  • TERM

    5 Years


This FTSE 100 recycling company made the decision in 2016 to replace their existing security infrastructure of security guards with the latest technology including CCTV equipment for one of their sites in Kent, opting for WestWon’s leading CCTV leasing solution.

With the company already leasing the majority of their plant, recycling equipment and vehicles, the head office made the decision to also lease their security equipment, as 100% of the lease rental is tax deductible against the company’s corporation tax.

The company was recommended WestWon by their long term supplier of security equipment.


WestWon met with the customer on site and at their head offices to run through the process and were able to facilitate a lease payable on a quarterly basis, with the first payment coming out 3 months in arrears as per the customer’s requests.

With the credit in place, and equipment installed on site, the supplier was paid in full and the customer made their first payment 3 months later.

Following the success of the first site, the decision has since been made to roll new security equipment out across all of the Recycling sites, with not just CCTV equipment, but security equipment & barrier entry systems being implemented across some sites.

Two years on and the company has leased just short of £500,000’s worth of security equipment through WestWon.

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