Wish we found you sooner


    Vitruvian Dental Studio


    £19,990.00 + VAT


    2 Adec Performer Treatment Centres

  • TERM

    5 years


Vitruvian Dental Studio is a brand new, state of the art Dental Practice located in the The Springs, Thorpe Park View, in Leeds. Highly qualified dentists, Dr Katy Galloway and James Nolan set up the practice to support the local community and surrounding areas.


“We want to give the ultimate patient dental experience ensuring that we offer the best technology, instruments and diagnosis tools to our patients. In the current climate opening a new practice we always knew was going to be a challenge and one of our many challenges was protecting cash flow, ensuring we could secure everything we wanted to enable us to offer a unique experience. WestWon has helped us to achieve these goals!

WestWon helped us to fund our vital dental equipment allowing us to provide the services we are offering to our patients. We are now not only having essential equipment, but also unique waiting areas that will help our patients come in and relax before the treatments. Following our application, the finance required was quickly in place and kept us to our schedule.

Richard was a pleasure to deal with and from the very start we have found him highly professional and efficient. He even dropped us a text on day of reopening! I look forward to many more years in dealing with him.”

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