WestWon launches its professions division focusing on UK dentists
Over the years, WestWon have become one of the longest established leasing companies in the UK. Providing a range of options for asset finance, leasing and commercial loans including both VAT funding and corporation tax loans. Consistently looking for new opportunities and ways to expand into new sectors to develop their portfolio of customers.
WestWon are now pleased to announce the official launch of the Professions division. Historically on a reactive basis, they have worked within the Dental and Optometry sectors and now looking to grow this side of the business.
Whilst some might question the logic of setting up this business in the middle of a pandemic, timing could never be better.
Speaking on behalf of WestWon, CEO Jeremy Hall noted, “We have arranged hundreds of equipment leases and practice loans for dentists during my 30-year term in the leasing and asset finance business. However, we have never had a dedicated team in this sector.
There are two ways we look to enter a market; our preferred route is to acquire a dentistry leasing company. Last year, we were a long way down the line to making a significant investment into a competitor, but sadly this investment did not materialise.
Our second method is to recruit a divisional champion. This individual must have significant experience working with dentists and the specialist suppliers who operate within the sector. Luckily, we have found such an individual to head up our professions business. He joins us with over twenty years’ experience in working with dentists.
With regards to timing, we know from speaking to our funders that many practices have applied for a lease holiday period, what is known in our trade as a forbearance request. We also clearly know how this can affect their ability to be offered equipment leasing and finance facilities in the short term. Having an extensive panel of UK funders into the dentistry market will only add value to them”.
Richard Porter heads up the WestWon dentists leasing and professions finance division
Richard is a veteran with twenty years experience of working with UK dental practices. He has worked with one of the largest Manufactures, selling software and imaging. More recently, he has specialised in offering leasing and asset finance solutions to suppliers and their end user dental practice customers.
As Divisional Director, Richard is responsible for heading up the business and will be looking to build a UK wide sales and support team over the coming years. Richard is enthusiastic to note:
“This is an exciting time for the team! WestWon will significantly improve their understanding of the Professions sector and how to tailor the service to meet their requirements.
With the recent and catastrophic effects the Covid-19 virus has had on these professions, I am pleased WestWon will support and guide these sectors. With the future launch of the WestWon app, from the app store, partners will be able to instantly support the clients asset investment. Not only this, but using the ‘partner portal’ will enable them access to their deals to continue the client journey from all aspects of deal management.
Our mission is simple.. ‘Help Support our Clients and Partners in their quest for business growth, providing expert and timely services with the best possible customer journey, and highest degree of integrity’.
This is a great opportunity for me to take advantage of a promotion working for a company that is willing to invest significantly into the business I love and understand so well. Over the years, I have had the privilege to meet and work with many dental practices, from a small village dentist to a large corporate practice. Funders still have to lend, dentists still need to invest in equipment and leasing and asset finance is still the preferred payment option of choice.
In the short time I have been at WestWon, I can see first-hand their enthusiasm for working with dentists, their technology to simplify the process of interacting with suppliers and their simple and effective documentation process. With many years of experience and a 5,000 plus client base, they have the range of funders needed for us to really build a success story here.”
If you are a dentist looking for leasing, or a supplier selling into this sector, please email Richard on richard.porter@westwon.co.uk or call 01494 611 456.