WestWon Woodland

WestWon Woodland

We aim to plant

trees in the WestWon Woodland

within 5 years

We aim to remove

tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere in

the next 5 years

Here at WestWon we are doing our bit to help combat climate change. We have launched our new initiative and cannot wait to start making a difference to the world we live in. In light of this, welcome to the WestWon Woodland.

We have teamed up with Ecologi, a UK based social enterprise. They are a company that plants trees in the UK and abroad. Through them we will be offsetting carbon emissions of our employees. To find out more information about them visit their website below.

We have also teamed up with a not-for-profit called Plant for the Planet. Through them we will be planting trees on the behalf of our customers. This is where we have a tree planted for every month of your lease agreement with us.

Tree Leader Board

  • 17640 trees in Nicaragua

  • 10691 trees in Kenya

  • 6,128 trees in Nepal

  • 4,665 trees in Haiti

  • 3,624 trees in Madagascar

WestWon’s Worldwide Woodland

Our current numbers…


trees planted in the WestWon Woodland


tonnes of carbon reduced from the atmosphere

How does it work?

Ever since January 2022, we have planted a tree for every month of a lease term in the WestWon Woodland. This is for every finance agreement a business undertakes with us.

It’s as simple as that. We don’t need anything from you. You will receive a certificate of plantation as well as a link to our very own WestWon forest. Here, you can see your trees being brought to life. In addition, it’s a simple and quick process. It’s just another way of how financing through WestWon benefits you. However, in this case it aids the environment and climate too.

Watch all about the WestWon Woodland and view it virtually below.

climate positive leasing
WestWon Woodland

Why did we decide to do this?

We all need to do our bit to help fight climate change. In our own private lives, many of us have made positive changes to reduce our carbon footprint. Our business has to follow in the same direction. We believe that this initiative is the way to do this. We are also following in the footsteps of many countries worldwide, committing to doing their bit for the environment. Currently, 191 countries have entered into the Paris Agreement, often referred to as the Paris Climate Accords. This is an international treaty on climate change. It was adopted in 2015 and its main aim is to reduce global warming temperature by well below 2 degrees Celsius. It is however pursuing the preferred aim of 1.5 degrees Celsius. The treaty covers climate change mitigation, finance, and adaptation.

Read more about the treaty below.

Is my carbon footprint really that bad?

A person’s carbon footprint is simply the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere. It’s calculated from their actions and behaviours. Over time your carbon footprint can accumulate to a large amount. This is why it’s so important that we start to offset them. There are many ways to do this, but one obvious solution is by planting trees. Hence why we created the WestWon Woodland as well as making ourselves a climate positive company.

The more we work together to reduce our carbon footprints, the better our climate will be in the future.

Read more about our blog on carbon footprint below.

WestWon Woodland

WestWon Woodland FAQ’s

For a company with 10,000 employees you would need to plant around 120,000 trees. This leads to around 8,830 tonnes of CO2 being removed from the atmosphere (every month). Alternatively, it’s different for a company the size of WestWon with around 30 employees. We would need to plant around 360 trees leading to around 26.5 tonnes of CO2 being removed from the atmosphere (every month). Therefore, for us, this equates to around 4,320 trees planted a year and around 318 tonnes of CO2 being removed every year. 

Newly planted trees don’t offset your carbon footprint immediately as they need time to grow and develop. However, saying this, they still manage to absorb CO2 from the early stages of being planted. However to make sure that each of our employees’ carbon footprint is being offset, we have become a climate positive workforce through Ecologi. They make it possible for us to fund carbon offset projects alongside the planting of trees that will eventually make an impact. These carbon offset projects include renewable energy projects and aim to meet important sustainability and development standards. These include CCBS (Climate, Community and Biodiversity standards) and SDVISta (Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard).

When conducting our research for the best organisation to plant trees with, it was a priority of ours that our money was going to the right places. That is why we trusted Plant-for-the-Planet in making our woodland come to life. Plant-for-the-Planet takes no commission on their donations. Being a charity, and non-profit organisation, they are based solely on the restoration of our planet.

You can track the development of the WestWon Woodland at any time on our virtual woodland here. We will also be sending all our clients who help us plant trees a certificate, to further reiterate our gratitude.

Planting trees has several positive impacts on our climate/environment. The main one is the primary reason for WestWon planting trees, which is that trees help to combat the amount of CO2 in the air. They absorb this CO2 and release oxygen back into the atmosphere. Another, more obscure reason, is that due to them losing moisture and reflecting heat from their leaves, they can reduce city temperatures by around 7 degrees Celsius (depending on the climate). Other benefits include those to the wildlife, by creating new habitats, reduction of air pollution and fighting deforestation with reforestation.

At WestWon, we are taking as many steps as we can towards becoming carbon negative. Firstly, WestWon is a paperless office. We have managed to eliminate all unnecessary paper documents through using our own personalised CRM system. Any other paper we use is recycled so that there is no added harm to the environment. By reducing the amount of paper in the office, it tackles the issue of deforestation. Therefore not creating a cycle of deforestation vs reforestation. We also suggest in one of our blogs the use of LED light bulbs (which is something that we have installed in our offices). As well as using more public transport to work (or walking and cycling if you can) as well as the reduction of waste such as plastic packaging when eating meals. 

Here at WestWon we are proud to call ourselves a ‘climate positive workforce’, however this is only a step towards where we aim to be. After this we will move to a climate neutral company, meaning all our carbon footprints within the business will have been offset. After this, we will look to becoming a carbon negative company. This may take longer due to the rarity and expense of purchasing carbon removal credits, therefore the ‘natural’ way to reach this goal is by continuing to plant trees. 

At WestWon we decided to partner with the non-profit organisation Plant-for-the-Planet, who have pledged to plant 1 TRILLION trees through their Trillion Tree Campaign. When we started looking for companies to partner with, the trustworthiness of the business was of the upmost importance, as we wanted to make sure that our money was going to the right places and leading to trees being planted. Their terms and conditions state that “Plant-for-the-Planet takes no commission on the donations.” They also have an app that provides transparency on their tree planting that we are able to track. This gave us at WestWon full confidence that we could trust them and use their resources to plant trees across the globe.

Here at WestWon we are thrilled to announce the launch of our new initiative, the WestWon Woodland. Our slogan “branch out and plant a tree” is exactly what we will be endorsing. As a company we believe that more should be done to help the environment. It all starts with taking responsibility and by taking action.

Therefore, at WestWon we have started a new scheme whereby we will plant a tree for every month of your agreement with us. 

We have teamed up with Plant-for-the-Planet, a non-profit organisation who will deliver on their promises, just like we will here at WestWon. I cannot wait to do business with people and start planting trees in the WestWon forest, also beginning WestWon’s journey as a climate positive workforce.

View our chairman’s statement, and our climate positive charter below