Defibrillator Leasing Calculator
1. For enquiries over £100,000, please contact us directly on 01494 611 456.
2. The rental price indicated is for general guidance and is subject to credit approval.
3. Business users only.
Defibrillator Leasing
The UK market for AED’s is growing by 13% every year, as the awareness to their benefits grows. The statistics are clear, a person who has a sudden cardiac arrest is circa 75% more likely to survive if treated correctly with a defibrillator within ten minutes compared to 5% who are not.
Defibrillators used to only be found in hospitals and carried by paramedics. Now, this life saving technology can be bought for a little as £1,000.00, and are being acquired by numerous organisations, both large and small.
The general public are still not aware that defibrillators can be leased, but now that more companies are aware of WestWon’s finance options it is becoming the go to solution. WestWon can provide industry leading finance options bespoke to defibrillators, as long as the equipment comes to a value of £1,000 + this came be put into a flexible lease with manageable monthly payments.
Why Choose WestWon?
Call us today on 01494 611 456 for defibrillator leasing. Our highly knowledgeable and friendly team can offer you a FREE, no obligation quote and answer any of your queries.