Friendly, Professional advice


    Eden Vets


    £99,533.69 + VAT


    Dental hire purchase

  • TERM

    5 years


Eden Vets are a brand new, state of the art veterinary practice located in the beautiful surroundings of Shavington, the heart of Cheshire. Highly qualified vets, Tom Gilding, Gerogina Mourant, Kate Sloan and Eve Dearden have over 40 years combined veterinary surgeon experience, providing, first class care for all small animals. As a team they wanted to come together and support the local community and surrounding areas.


“We wanted to ensure that we offer the best technology, instruments and diagnosis tools to our customers. One of Eden’s many challenges was protecting cash flow, while having to negotiate with multiple equipment suppliers for the latest testing and imaging equipment. Once we decided on the equipment and prices WestWon then took over, which was a real help and support to us.

WestWon helped us to fund all our vital equipment which allows us to provide the types of services we are offering to our patients. Following a series of detailed discussions, the finance required was soon approved to help us fund the equipment needed to get Eden Vets trading.

WestWon were a pleasure to deal with during a challenging time, setting up our Practice from the very start we have found Richard and the team highly professional and efficient. I look forward to many more years in dealing with them.”

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