Credit was approved within 1 working day


    EPOS Supplier

    £19,462 + VAT


    A range of audio visual equipment including 2 x SMART Interactive whiteboard, Conference room camera, 2 x Samsung 40” TV’s

  • TERM

    3 years


With the business expanding and growing out of their old offices, this Hertfordshire based EPOS supplier moved a couple of miles down the road to large offices just outside of Watford.

The company already knew WestWon, who are the finance company they use when offering finance to their customers. After a quick chat, WestWon sourced the equipment through an approved local audio visual supplier and the equipment was agreed after a site survey.

With 65” and 55” SMART interactive whiteboards being installed into the meeting rooms of the office, and 2 x Samsung 40” TV’s going into the main office and reception area, the EPOS supplier decided to sit on the other side of the fence, experiencing WestWon’s highly rated customer service for the first time.


The credit was approved within 1 working day and documents sent out to the customer the next day. A couple of weeks later the equipment was installed in time for the office move.

We’re delighted to say that we are still the finance providers for the EPOS company, and the company have come back to WestWon as a repeat customer on 8 additional occasions, financing 6 vehicles for the customer through our fleet division WestWon Fleet, some furniture for the offices and a sale and leaseback agreement.

© 2025 WestWon Limited
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulates financial services in the UK and you can check this on the Consumer Credit Register by visiting the FCA’s website here or by contacting the FCA on 0800 111 6768. WestWon Limited is a credit broker and not a lender. WestWon companies deals with a range of lenders. All WestWon companies hold a current Data Protection Licence and are registered for VAT. These details, together with our policy on Treating Customers Fairly, Complaints Policy and address details are held under our Get in Touch page.
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