Syscap contact details

Syscap contact details

If you are trying to contact Syscap and cannot find their details, maybe we can help you.

Syscap was acquired by Wesleyan Bank and on the 1st April 2016, all customers were directed to this business. However, on the 28th February 2022, Wesleyan Bank Limited was then acquired by Hampshire Trust Bank plc. This has meant finding the correct department and person to speak to a challenging task.

Advice on a Syscap lease agreement

We are not Syscap and we do not represent them. However, we can give you some free impartial independent advice on your existing Syscap lease agreement. If you would like this, then please give us a call.

Looking for help with your Syscap lease or loan agreement

If you are looking for some help on leasing in general, you have a lease agreement with Syscap, or are a supplier who used to work with Syscap, then also feel free to call us. We can give you free impartial advice.

Syscap customer services telephone number

If you need to speak to someone about your existing Syscap lease agreement, their customer service number is 0208 254 1923. You can also find their details here.

Syscap Customer Support

Syscap still maintains a customer support team. There is no way to be certain if there is still a team based at the old Wesleyan offices in New Maldon. Their customer service department may have moved to Hampshire Trust’s London offices at 55 Bishopsgate, London. EC2N 3AS. They do provide another telephone number, which is 0800 358 1122.

Syscap Wimbledon telephone number

Syscap’s old offices in Wimbledon have been shut down for a few years now. We can give you the telephone number for Wesleyan Bank (asset finance and business loans division only), which is 0208 254 1923.

Syscap portal login

Syscap used to have a portal for their suppliers. This is no longer in use.

Are Syscap still writing leasing business?

Syscap are not writing new business as the company is now dormant. However, Wesleyan Bank / Hampshire Trust Bank are still taking on new business and own the Syscap brand and customer base.

Syscap websites

If you have tried to contact Syscap via their old website,, you won’t have much luck as the site is no longer live. Likewise, is no longer live, it automatically directs you to the .com address.

Interestingly, the new owners of Syscap have not transferred these domain names to Wesleyan Bank or Hampshire Trust.

I am a customer of Syscap, are they open for new business?

A few of the old Syscap sales employees are still employed by what was Wesleyan Bank. They are still working with a number of medical, professions and education customers. However, since 1990, Syscap has worked with thousands of UK end user customers and suppliers who will have not been contacted. If you were a customer or supplier of Syscap and are looking for leasing, please contact us on 01494 611 456. Alternatively, feel free to email us on


Please note, we are not associated to either Syscap or Wesleyan Bank. WestWon are an independent leasing company. We are always happy to help UK companies with advice when it comes to leasing or business loans. Any advice we offer to you is completely free.

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