Lease or Buy Your New Office Furniture and Fit Out?

Leasing office furniture and equipment is a great option for many companies depending on their office equipment and furniture needs, financial situation and line of business.

Often companies do not have or do not wish to tie up capital available to buy office furniture and equipment outright; or to finance a fit out or relocation.  Understandably companies are generally also not keen to tie up crucial bank credit lines for this type of project. Leasing allows them to spread the cost over two, three, four or five years, acquiring the solution that meets their long-term needs rather than that which their current budget and cash flow dictates. It also allows businesses to carry out refurbishments straight away. Lease payments are fixed for the term of the lease – normally 2-5 years – making it easy to budget for a monthly, quarterly or even annual payment and budget accordingly.

However, leasing office equipment and furniture ties businesses into an on-going agreement so it is therefore very important to think carefully about what the office furniture and equipment needs and also about the way the business is likely to develop in the future. Key factors to consider are how often a company relocates, how important is it to keep up with technology changes and is it important to use capital budget for R&D marketing or staff rather than office refits and refurbishments? In these cases, leasing may well be the ideal way to keep the workplace current and to ensure that upgrades can be organised with minimum hassle in the future.

Nowadays, the right workspace – including acoustics, lighting, flooring, decoration and furnishings – play an important role in attracting and retaining the right kind of staff. After all, creating an ergonomic space with appropriate tools for a person to do their job well benefits employers through increased productivity and reduced absenteeism. But innovative, creative spaces normally require new equipment and furniture. With leasing companies can create the exactly right image and environment, deciding exactly what furniture and equipment they want (including a custom build) and have it financed under a lease agreement.

When deciding whether to lease or buy, companies should review their cash reserves, cash flow and credit lines, and ensure they understand the terms and conditions of the lease, for example, what happens at the end of the lease; are upgrades included; required insurance on the equipment as well as early cancellation fees. Understanding exactly what the business needs are and what the purpose of the office equipment, furniture or refit is will help companies to make the right decision.

Download the Office Furniture and Fit Out Brochure for more information about leasing your dream office.

See here for a free Office Move Project Planning Tool

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